City of Neu Isenburg

Heim Isenburg

Memorial Site

Schwarz-weiß Foto des Bertha Pappenheim Hauses
Bertha Pappenheim-Haus

In 1996 the City of Neu-Isenburg opened a memorial site which commemorates the life and work of Bertha Pappenheim, who was the founder and the principal of Heim Isenburg. The project is supported by the “Bertha Pappenheim Initiative”, where representatives from the town, such as the municipality, local parties, churches, associations, historical professionals and interested citizens cooperate.

A permanent exhibition and a library tell us more about Jewish women’s rights activist Bertha Pappenheim, the German Jewish Women’s Association together with the history of the town Neu-Isenburg. The Neu-Isenburg project also offers regular lectures, presentations and discussions about related cultural and socio-political issues.

Schwarz-weiß Foto Bertha Pappenheim-Haus, Gartenansicht mit feiernden Menschen
Fest zum 10-jährigen Bestehen der Gedenkstätte 2006

Visits and guided tours for groups can be arranged through the memorial organisation via phone number 0049 6102-241-754. There you can also get information about the program of events, and on the official website of the City of Neu-Isenburg (opens in a new tab) and its city event hall Hugenottenhalle (opens in a new tab), as well.

Explanations and notes

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