City of Neu Isenburg


Berberich, Emma

First NameEmma
Family NameBerberich
Date of Birth01/05/1886
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFechenheim, Kreis Hanau (nowadays a district of Frankfurt)
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“05/18/1916 - 07/20/1916
Departure toHochstr. 9, Frankfurt/Main
Date of Death/Place of Death07/05/1933

Emma Berberich was born on January 5, 1886 in Fechenheim, district Hanau (today Frankfurt/Main). 

She came to the Home 'Isenburg' with her two years old son Hans Karl on May 18, 1916 and stayed there until July 20, 1916. She moved to Hochstr. 9, Frankfurt/Main.

On February 24, 1917 she married Ludwig Gorr in Frankfurt/ Main.

Her son probably remained in the Home 'Isenburg' for a while before he was sent to Idstein into care on May 4, 1917. 

Emma Berberich died on July 5, 1933 in Frankfurt/Main

Source: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg

State: 03/03/2025 (EEP)

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