City of Neu Isenburg


Bornstein, Martha

First NameMartha
Family NameBornstein
Date of Birth12 June 1895
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt/Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“19 September 1908 - 1 April 1916
Departure toFrankfurt/Main

Deportet from Koblenz on 30 April 1942 or 3 May 1942 to the Ghetto Krasnicyn, Poland. Murdered; date and place are unknown.

Date of Death/Place of Deathunknown

Martha Bornstein was born at 12 June 1895 in Frankfurt/Main. From 19 September 1908 until 1 April 1916 she was in the Home of the Jewish Women's Association in Neu-Isenburg. Then she was signed out to Frankfurt/Main and lived before World war II in Bendorf Sayn. From Koblenz she was deported at 30 April 1942 or 3 May 1942 to the Ghetto Krasnicyn, Poland.

She was murdered; place and date are unknown.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Memorial Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945 (Bundesarchiv - National Archives)

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