City of Neu Isenburg


Chaiet, Chayet, Chajet (Verh. Weil), Rebekka, Rebeka

First NameRebekka, Rebeka
Family NameChaiet, Chayet, Chajet (Verh. Weil)
Date of Birth04/09/1904
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceMünchen(Einwohnerkartei/Isenburg); Jekaterinoslaw, Rußland (Standesamt München)
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“03/27/1919-05/04/1920
Departure toMünchen
Date of Death/Place of Death03/23/1941 München

Rebekka Chaiet, married Weil, was born on April 9, 1904 in Munich (after the registry office in Munich she was born in Jekaterinoslaw, Russia. She stayed in the Home 'Isenburg' from March 27 1919 until May 4, 1920. She left to Munich.

Her father was Leiser Chaiet, his profession was shoemaker and he lived in Shanghai; her mother Sonja Chaiet, née Chumann, lived in Munich.

She married Eugen Otto Weil, chief postal inspector, and they lived in Lindwurmstr. 13 in Munich. Her husband was murdered on October 19, 1939 in Herzog Rudolf-Street 1 in Munich; in his death certificate is written as the cause of death 'In severe heartcondition sudden heartbeat'.

The last adress of Rebekka Weil was Ridlerstr. 15, Munich.

She died of flu and larynx-phlegmone on March 23, 1941 in the Israelitic Hospital and Nursing Home, Hermann-Schmid-Str. 5, Munich. 

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Arolsen Archives

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