City of Neu Isenburg


F., Walter

First NameWalter
Family NameF.
Date of Birth1935
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceNiederweisel (Butzbach)
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“07/08/1940 - 06/06/1941
Departure to-

Escape to USA in 1941

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Walter F. was born in Nieder-Weisel, now a suburb of Butzbach. His parents were engineer Julius F. and Frieda F. The family lived in Butzbach until 1939; then she moved to Bad Nauheim. In April 1940, Julius F. emigrated to the United States alone to provide a livelihood for his wife and five-year-old son before they should follow.

Frieda F. moved to Frankfurt in July 1940, where she lived and worked as a nurse in the Jewish Home for the Aged, Niedenau 25. Walter also was registered there, but from July 8, 1940, in the home of the Jewish women Association in Neu-Isenburg. Mother and son managed to escape from Germany to the United States in June 1941.


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