City of Neu Isenburg


Fleischer, Gittel

First NameGittel
Family NameFleischer
Date of Birth12/21/1939
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceBerlin/ Berlin-Niederschönhausen
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“04/29/1941 - 02/27/1942
Departure toBerlin, Schönhauser Allee 162 (Auerbach'sches Waisenhaus)

Deported on from Berlin to the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz 11/29/1942

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Gittel Fleischer came to the Neu-Isenburg Home of the Jewish Women's Association in late April 1941, when she was nearly one and a half years old. The reason may have been the death of her mother.

Gittel remained until the forced closure of the home in the care of the institution. In late February 1942, she was brought to Berlin in the “Auerbachsche Waisenhaus” in Schönhauser Allee 162. Together with 35 other children from the orphanage  Gittel Fleischer was deported to Auschwitz on November 29, 1942 (Gottwaldt/Salah, S. 398 f.).

Sources: Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt am Main (Biographische Datenbank Deportierter) ; Auschwitz Museum's Archive (Transportliste); Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg (Meldekartei)


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