City of Neu Isenburg


Gecel, Esther

First NameEsther
Family NameGecel
Date of Birth05/08/1897
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceKutno, Polen
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“07/22/1024-07/24/1922
Departure toKleine Obermainstr. 3, Frankfurt/Main (family Herzog)

Esther Gecel was born on 05/08/1897 in Kutno, Poland. She was in the Heim 'Isenburg' with her son Leo gel, who is also mentioned in this memorial book, from 07/22/1924 until 07/24/1924.

She left the home to Kleine Obermainstr. 3, Frankfurt am Main (family Herzog).

Her parents were Leo Gecel, merchant and Frieda Gecel, née Klar.

Source: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg

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Gecel, Esther

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