City of Neu Isenburg


Gotthelf, married Heim, Bertha

Group Photograph
Group Photograph Bertha Gotthelf, married Heim
First NameBertha
Family NameGotthelf, married Heim
Date of Birth03/25/1895
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceGroß-Krotzenburg
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“10/28/1913-04/23/1914 and 06/17/1914-09/27/1914
Departure toMarburg; Groß-Krotzenburg

Bertha Gotthelf, married Heim, was prisoned in Breitenau on 03/06/1941, then she was deported to Ravensbrueck, where she was murdered on April 30, 1942. 

Date of Death/Place of Death04/30/1942, Ravensbrueck

Bertha Gotthelf, married Heim, is probably the mother of Walther Gotthilf who is also mentioned in this memorial book.

her husband was Karl Heim.

Bertha Gotthelf, married Heim, was prisoned in Breitenau on 03/06/1941, then she was deported to Ravensbrueck, where she was murdered on April 30, 1942. 

Source: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Memorial-Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945, National Archives; Central Database of Shoah Victims, Yad Vashem 

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