City of Neu Isenburg


Großhut, Heinz

First NameHeinz
Family NameGroßhut
Date of Birth02/20/1933
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“Probably 1933 - 01/13/1937, 07/14/1941 - 08/16/1941
Departure toWiesbaden

Deported on from Frankfurt to the extermination camp Sobibór on 11/06/1942

Date of Death/Place of DeathExtermination camp Sobibór

Heinz Grosshut was born on March 20, 1933, in Frankfurt am Main. His mother, Hedwig Grosshut accommodated him presumably shortly after the birth at the home of the Jewish Women's Association.

Hedwig Grosshut, born in 1907, lived with four brothers and sisters with her parents in Wiesbaden in difficult financial circumstances. The parents came from Cracow. Hedwig's father, Ludwig Löbel Mantel-Grosshut, was a religious and highly educated man who carried on a classical art business in Wiesbaden.

The family suffered from the onset especially hard from the national-socialist rule. At the beginning of 1933 Löbel Großhut was so severely beaten by the SA, that he died on December 22, 1934. Hedwig's brother, a doctor of law, was not allowed to take up his clerkship because he was denied German citizenship. In July 1933, he fled with his fiancée to Palestine. Hedwig remained with her mother and her sister Irma in Wiesbaden. Hedwig's sister Gisela emigrated with her husband to Indonesia in 1928, the other sister, Franziska, fled to Sweden in 1938.

On January 13, 1937, Hedwig took their son back to herself. On October 28, 1938, Hedwig's mother and her sister Irma were deported to Poland. According to the memory sheet of "Aktives Museum Spiegelgasse" also Hedwig and Heinz Grosshut were affected by this measure. Indeed, Heinz Grosshut was accommodated on July 14, 1941, once more at the Neu-Isenburger Home of the Jewish Women's Association. Nevertheless, he remained there only for a month. On August 16, he returned to Wiesbaden. A year later, on June 11, 1942, Hedwig Großhut and her son Heinz were deported from Frankfurt. The transport led towards Lublin. The women and children were probably deported directly to the extermination camp Sobibór. There are no survivors of the deportation (Kingreen, Gewaltsam verschleppt, S. 373 f.).

Heinz Großhut was nine years old when he was murdered in Sobibór. His mother Hedwig died at the age of 35 years in the gas chambers of the extermination camp.

Source: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Research by the historian Lothar Bembenek; The Spiegelgasse Active Museum of German-Jewish History in Wiesbaden - Commemoration Leaflets


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