City of Neu Isenburg


K., Liselotte

First NameLiselotte
Family NameK.
Date of Birth1931
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceEgelsbach
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“07/21/1938 - 06/28/1939
Departure toEgelsbach

Fled to Shanghai in 1939 , and to Israel after the war

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Liselotte K. is the daughter of Hirsch (Hermann) K. and his wife Lina, who both came from Poland. Hirsch K. was a Prayer leader and Chochet (slaughterer) of the Jewish community in Sprendlingen. His work there can be traced from 1910. In 1925, he moved to Egelsbach. Liselotte’s brother was born three years later in 1931. The family lived near the synagogue in Egelsbach.

On October 5, 1938, the family moved from Egelsbach to Frankfurt, from where they fled to Shanghai in the early summer of 1939. In this transitional period, the six- or seven-year-old Liselotte was housed in the Home of the Jewish Women's Association.

The family survived in Japanese-occupied Shanghai but was imprisoned from May 1943 to August 1945 in the ghetto of Shanghai. The living conditions there were horrific, the inhabitants were under constant threats of being handed over to the Germans and US Air Force bombing.

On January 1, 1949, Liselotte K. immigrated with her mother and her brother aboard the ship "Castel Bianca” through Genoa to Israel. Her father had died in Shanghai in 1946 aged 64.


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