City of Neu Isenburg


K., Paula

First NamePaula
Family NameK.
Date of Birth1930
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“07/20/1938 - 08/17/1938
Departure toFrankfurt am Main


Date of Death/Place of Death-

Paula K. spent the summer of 1938 along with other children from Frankfurt spending their summer holidays in the Home of the Jewish Women's Association in Neu-Isenburg. Like most children who had been housed during their summer holidays in "Heim Isenburg," she came from a large family.

Paula grew up with her parents alongside her twin brother and two older sisters. The Polish-born family lived in Frankfurt since 1931. Since the parents were not married in a civil ceremony according to Jewish rites, the children were considered illegitimate in the Nazi state.

On July 3, 1939, the family filed a request for the transportation of their belongings to England, to flee from Germany shortly before the war. It is uncertain whether Paula, her siblings, and father were rescued. It is only reported that the mother Zlata K., was murdered in the Shoah. She was deported on November 12, 1941, from Frankfurt am Main to the Minsk ghetto.


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