City of Neu Isenburg


Klein, Selma

First NameSelma
Family NameKlein
Date of Birth06/08/1909
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“25/05/-07/11/1926, probably 1927 25/02-28/04/1932, unknown date - 05.05.1937
Departure tounknown, last address: Frankfurt am Main, Seumestraße 2

On June 7, 1939 she came to the labor camp Breitenau. She left it on July 8, 1940 to Frankfurt/Main.

Deported on October 10, 1941 to the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

Date of Death/Place of Death04/26/1942, killing center Bernburg a. d. Saale

Selma Klein's stay at the Home of the Jewish Women's Association cannot be reconstructed precisely because she is not listed on the staff list of the institution. Her name is only stated in Municipal message list in which her departure from Neu-Isenburg is recorded.

Selma Klein was the daughter of the married couple Isaak and Bertha Klein (née Reinheimer). She had two sisters. The father ran a wholesale egg business in Frankfurt am Main in Windeckstraße 23/I. However, after the boycott in April 1933, sales declined so much that Isaak Klein had to give up his trade after a short time. He continued his business until the end of 1935 as a retail. After that, the family had to rely on the welfare support of the Jewish community.

Selma Klein last lived in Seumestraße 2. On October 9, 1941, she was deported from Frankfurt to an "unknown" destination. At that time, she had already been interned at the Ravensbrück concentration camp for more than two years. In April 1942, Selma Klein was transferred to the Bernburg killing center where she was murdered on April 26, 1942.

Of the five-member family, only the youngest daughter survived the Shoah. The fate of Selma's mother is unknown. The father was deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto on September 15, 1942, where he died less than two years later. One of the relatives who worked as a nurse in Theresienstadt wrote to the surviving sister that Isaak Klein was starved to death. Selma's second sister, Frieda Weingärtner née Klein died on July 5, 1944, in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Sources: Datenbank des Jüdischen Museums Frankfurt am Main zu den während der NS-Zeit als Juden verfolgten und ermordeten Frankfurterinnen und Frankfurtern. Texte: zeitsprung. Kontor für Geschichte, Frankfurt am Main


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