City of Neu Isenburg


Kusel (Kußel), Rosa Ilse

First NameRosa Ilse
Family NameKusel (Kußel)
Date of Birth04/04/1937
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main/Pirmasens, Berlin
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“04/19/1937 - 06/21/1937, moved from Frankfurt am Main, signed-out to Pirmasens August 16/18 1941 - 02/27/1942, moved from Berlin, Schönhauser Straße 58
Departure toBerlin, Fehrbelliner Straße 92, last address: Berlin, Schönhauser Allee 162 (Auerbach Orphanage)

Deported from Berlin to the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz on 11/29/1942

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Ilse Rose Kusel was born on April 4, 1937, in Frankfurt am Main. Shortly after her birth, on April 19, 1937, her mother, Betty Kusel, brought Ilse to “Heim Isenburg" where she was taken care for and stayed for several weeks. On June 21, however, she took the child back to her. Both lived together with Betty's sister Paula in Pirmasens in Häfnergasse 12 in the household of Ilse's grandmother, the widow Rosa Kusel, born Hirsch.

In 1939/40 the family moved to Halle. The family was probably expelled from its hometown of Pirmasens. It is not clear whether Little Ilse could stay with her family in Halle or was accommodated in a children's facility. Rosa, Paula, and Betty lived in the Jewish retirement home in Boelckestr. 24, which was used as a ghetto house. They lived there under degrading conditions. Later Rosa and her daughter Paula were registered at the address Großer Berlin 8. There, in the former "small synagogue" an “Alten- und Siechenheim” was lodged. Betty Kusel was transferred to Berlin on February 27, 1940, presumably to do forced labor there.

In the middle of August 1941, Ilse Rose was again taken to the Home of the Jewish Women's Association in Neu-Isenburg where she stayed for six months. When the establishment was dissolved in the spring of 1942, she was transferred to Berlin to the Jewish Kinderheim in Fehrbelliner Straße. Her last life station before the deportation was the Auerbach orphanage in Berlin, Schönhauser Allee 162. It is unknown, whether Ilse met her mother in Berlin.

On October 19, 1942, the orphanage was evacuated. It is not known where Ilse was staying afterward. The five-year-old was deported from the Auerbach orphanage in Berlin on November 29, 1942, with 35 other children to the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. In Auschwitz, she probably was murdered immediately after the arrival. Ilse's mother Betty had already been deported from Berlin on March 28, 1942, to the Ghetto Piaski. Her aunt Paula and her grandmother Rosa were dragged from Halle on June 1, 1942, to the extermination camp Sobibor and were murdered there on June 3.

This biography could be completed with the help of Daniel Hirsch.

Further sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg, Standesamt Frankfurt am Main; Auschwitz Museum Archive; Gedenkbuch Berlins der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus; Memorial Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 – 1945


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Heim Isenburg

Under NS-Rule

Life in “Heim Isenburg” could be organized and regulated quite easily until the pogrom of November 1938, even if discrimination and harassments made the life of residents quite hard.
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