City of Neu Isenburg


Levi, Paula

First NamePaula
Family NameLevi
Date of Birth05/26/1923
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceKassel
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“11/20/1940 - 01/27/1941
Departure toKassel

Deported from Kassel to the Riga ghetto on December 9, 1941

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Paula Levi was the daughter of the merchant Ferdinand Levi and his wife Minna Levi, née Goldwein. The father came from Frankenhausen and the mother from Meimbressen. The family lived in Jägerstraße 3 and Moltkestraße 9 from 1932. Minna Levi died in Kassel on August 9, 1927, when Paula was four years old.

After her stay at the Home of the Jewish Women's Association, Paula returned to Kassel with her father and lived with him in Lower Königstraße 62. On October 5, 1941, she was interned in the Wartekuppe camp in Kassel. On December 9 that same year, Paula Levi was deported to the ghetto Riga at the age of 18. Her trace is lost from there on.


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