City of Neu Isenburg


Ratzmann, née Lippmann, Irma

First NameIrma
Family NameRatzmann, née Lippmann
Date of Birth05/22/1902
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“05/25/1939 - 06/30/1939
Departure toFrankfurt am Main

Deported in the spring of 1942 from Frankfurt am Main to the Izbica ghetto

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Irma Raaju, born in Lamont, was 37 years old when she arrived in the Home of the Jewish Women's Association in Neu-Isenburg. Irmãs father, Alfons Lippmann, was a master butcher, her mother, Pauline Lippmann, née Goldschmidt, was without a job. The family lived in Frankfurt am Main. Irma married Julius Raaju in 1924. The marriage was divorced after many years of separation in 1936.

During the Nazi era, Irma Ratzmann was treated several times at the Hadamar health care center. In the spring of 1939, she worked for a month at "Heim Isenburg" as a domestic worker. Late June 1939 she returned to Frankfurt. On January 18, 1940, she married the merchant Abraham Gunzenhäuser. The circumstances of this wedding are unclear: Abraham Gunzenhauser went out to the USA two days after the wedding, while Irma Gunzenhäuser remained in Frankfurt.

On January 5, 1942, Irma Gunzenhauser informed the Frankfurt exchange office that she earns her living as an assistant worker at Walther Druck, Darmstädter Landstraße 224. She was presumably employed there for forced labor. She lived in Rotlindstraße 41 at this time.

On June 12, 1942, an order was handed over to the registrar of the exchange office S, Frankfurt am Main, according to which the entry "evacuated" was to be noted on the map of Irma Gunzenhauser. Irma Gunzenhäuser had been deported shortly before. The transports from Frankfurt to the Izbica ghetto on May 8, May 24 or June 11, 1942, came to question.

Quelle: Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden

The entry was corrected and supplemented by help of Michael Nolte.


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