City of Neu Isenburg


Sallein, Ruth

First NameRuth
Family NameSallein
Date of Birth06/24/1920
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceBerlin
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“07/23/1937 - 06/28/1938
Departure toFrankfurt am Main

Arrested in May 1939, deported to the concentration camp Ravensbrück on 06/15/1939, to Hamburg on Juli 27, to the concentration camp Ravensbrück on 09/09/1939, in spring 1942 to the Killing Center Bernburg an der Saale

Date of Death/Place of DeathJune 1942, Killing Center Bernburg a. d. Saale

Ruth Sallein was 17 years old when she came to the Jewish Women's League home in Neu-Isenburg in July 1937. She stayed there for almost a year. In “Heim Isenburg,” Ruth completed a domestic or nursing internship. On June 28, 1938, she was deported from Neu-Isenburg to Frankfurt am Main, but she apparently returned shortly afterward to her hometown of Berlin. She was arrested there in May 1939. On June 15, Ruth Sallein was taken to Ravensbrück concentration camp and then to Hamburg in the middle of July, probably to a sub-camp of the concentration camp. She stayed there a few weeks until she was moved back to the Ravensbrück concentration camp on September 9, 1939. At an unknown time in the spring of 1942, Ruth Sallein was transported to the extermination Centre at Bernburg an der Saale where she was murdered. She was 21 years old at the time of her assassination.:

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