City of Neu Isenburg


Schloß, Rosel

First NameRosel
Family NameSchloß
Date of Birth12/26/1917
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceGroßostheim/Großostheim, Darmstadt and Frankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“10 February 1937 - 28 June 1937
Departure toFrankfurt am Main

Deported from Frankfurt am Main to the Lodz ghetto on 10/20/1941

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Rosel Schloß lived for four months in the Neu-Isenburg Home of the Jewish Women’s Association in the spring of 1937.

In the summer of 1938, Rosel gave birth to a son. When the Nazi authorities acquired the assets of Rosel's mother, the widow Jenny Schloß, in 1940, she wrote to the exchange office in February 1940 that she had to accommodate her 22-year-old daughter and her 1½-year-old son. Rosel Schloß lived in Frankfurt at that time. In the spring of 1941, she worked forced labor with the Paul Kind K.G. Asbestos factory.

On October 20, 1941, Rosel Schloß and her mother were deported from Frankfurt to the Lodz Ghetto in the first deportation transport. The two women were 24 and 63 years old at that time. The fate of Rosel's son is unknown.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Hessian State Archives

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