City of Neu Isenburg


Z., Henriette

First NameHenriette
Family NameZ.
Date of Birth1934
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt/Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“April 1934 - 09 April 1937
Departure to-

Deported from Tilsit and Königsberg to Theresienstadt ghetto on 24./25. August 1942 . Survived the Shoah

Date of Death/Place of Death -

 Henriette Z. came to the care of "Heim Isenburg" as a baby. On 9 April 1937, she was signed off to her mother's place of residence. In August 1942 Henriette Z. was deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto via Königsberg. She was then eight years old.

Henriette survived the Shoah. In January 1946, she stayed in Iranischen Straße at the Jewish Hospital in Berlin.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Journal "Aufbau", year 12, No 3, page 27, Neue Berliner Liste:

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