City of Neu Isenburg


Glaser, Ilse

First NameIlse
Family NameGlaser
Date of Birth12/07/1918
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceEssen
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“05/07/1937 - 06/25/1937
Departure toEssen
ProfessionStudent of infant care

Escape to England

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Ilse Glaser completed an internship in Neu-Isenburg in 1937 probably a training as infant nurse during her stay at the Home of the Jewish Women's Association. Subsequently the 19-year-old returned to Essen, to her parents. In July 1939, Ilse Glaser was able to escape to England. In June 1945, she married Bertold Arthur Loeb in Hampstead (Middlesex). Ilse Loeb died in London in April 1997.:

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