City of Neu Isenburg


Goldschmidt, geb. Rhein, Lina

Lina Goldschmidt
Lina Goldschmidt, geb. Rhein (Ausschnitt)
First NameLina
Family NameGoldschmidt, geb. Rhein
Date of Birth04/08/1901
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceKetsch (Baden) / Brühl, Karlsruhe
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“11/10/1937 - 03/03/1938
Departure toBrühl (Baden)

Deported from Baden to the internment camp Gurs on 10/22/1940, from there to the Drancy internment camp to the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz on 10/08/1942

Date of Death/Place of Deathconcentration and extermination camp Auschwitz

Lina Goldschmidt, née Rhein, was the mother of Robert Goldschmidt, the cousin of Lena Rhein and the aunt of Martha-Selma Rhein. She was born as a daughter of Karl and Jetten Rhine in Ketsch (Baden). In February 1937 Lina and her husband Felix Goldschmidt got divorced. In November 1937 Lina was heavily pregnant and found shelter in "Heim Isenburg", the Home of the Jewish Women's Association. After Robert's birth in the Israeli hospital in Frankfurt am Main, Lina and her son returned to "Heim Isenburg." At the beginning of March 1938 she left Neu-Isenburg. She was deported to Brühl (Baden), but later lived in Karlsruhe. Her son remained at the Home of the Jewish Women's Association. In the mass deportation of the Jews from Baden, the Palatinate, and the Saarland, Lina Goldschmidt was deported to Gurs in the South of France on October 22, 1940, and deported there from the Drancy internment camp near Paris to the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz where her tracks are lost.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Mémorial de la Shoah. Musée, Centre de documentation juive contemporaire. Gedenkbuch des Bundesarchivs:; Gedenkbuch für die Karlsruher Juden: :

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