City of Neu Isenburg


H., Rolf

First NameRolf
Family NameH.
Date of Birth1934
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“Listed from September 1935
Departure to-

Deported after internment in Gurs on 10/22/1940, Fled from France in 1941 to the US

Date of Death/Place of Death-

How long and why Rolf H. was in the care of “Heim Isenburg” is uncertain. His name is recorded only in the first list of home residents which was put up in September 1935. Afterward, Rolf H. apparently returned to his mother in the vicinity of Karlsruhe. Rolf H. and his mother Rosa were deported in October 1940 in the wake of the so-called "Wagner Bürckel Event" from their Baden hometown to French internment camp of Gurs. From there, the seven-year-old could be saved to the United States in 1941, under circumstances which were not clarified. Probably a Jewish underground organization helped the child to escape. His mother was deported from the Drancy “Sammellager” to the concentration and extermination camp in Auschwitz on August 10, 1942.:

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