City of Neu Isenburg


Knepel (Knepfel, Knapel), Rosa Roza

First NameRosa Roza
Family NameKnepel (Knepfel, Knapel)
Date of Birth21/03/1903 (1908)
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceSambor, Poland
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“17/07/1919-15/04/1920
Departure toBerlin

Rosa Knepel was murdered in the Shoah.

Date of Death/Place of Deathunknown

Rosa Knepel was born on March 21, 1903 (after the Database of Yad Vashem: 1908) in Sambor, Poland. From July 17, 1919 until April 15, 1920 she was in the Home 'Isenburg'. She left to Berlin.

Before Worldwar II she was in Sambor, Poland. During Worldwar II she was in Varsha, Poladn.

Rosa Knepel was murdered in the Shoah.

Source: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names, Yad Vashem

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