City of Neu Isenburg


Löwengart, Tana

First NameTana
Family NameLöwengart
Date of Birth10/16/1938
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main, Gagernstraße 36
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“10/28/1938 - 02/04/1941
Departure toMünchen Antonienheim

Deported from München to the Ghetto Kaunas on 11/20/1941

Date of Death/Place of DeathGhetto Kaunas, 11/25/1941

Tana Löwengart was the daughter of Auguste (Gustchen) Friedmann, née Löwengart who is also listed in this Memorial Book.

Tana was born on October 16, 1938, in the Jewish Hospital in Frankfurt, Gagernstraße 36.

After her birth, she stayed in the care of “Heim Isenburg" for two and a half years. In February 1941, Tana was transferred to Munich in the Jewish youth welfare service children’s home, Antonienstraße 7. According to a letter from her Frankfurt guardian on June 5, 1941, to the District Court of Frankfurt, the transfer corresponded to the request of the mother who wanted her daughter to be close to her.

The home in the Antonienstraße in Munich was opened in 1926. It was originally responsible for taking care of orphans and children from socially vulnerable families up to the age of 14. During the Nazi era, such parents who hoped to protect the children increasingly brought their children here. Some children were saved in children's transports to England. On April 7, 1942, the home was forcibly closed.

Tana Löwengart was deported on November 20, 1941, together with 19 other children from the Antonienheim and four carers in the first major transport from Munich. The Riga ghetto was planned as the destination, but the train was redirected to Kaunas in occupied Lithuania because the Riga ghetto was overcrowded. Tanas's mother and Gustchen Friedmann were also deported in the same transport. The deportees were murdered shortly after their arrival in Kaunas on November 25, 1941 (Gottwaldt / Schulle, p. 104 ff.).


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