City of Neu Isenburg


Menkes, Erika

First NameErika
Family NameMenkes
Date of Birth09/30/1922
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceHomburg v. d. H. / Wiesbaden
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“1924 - 1936
Departure toFrankfurt am Main

Fled to France in 1936, and to Palestine in 1938

Date of Death/Place of DeathIsrael, ca. 1995

Erika Menkes lived in the Neu-Isenburg Home of the Jewish Women's Association for 12 years. She came from Wiesbaden, where her mother Cenia had a tearoom. When Erika was two years old, her mother took her into the care of “Heim Isenburg," but kept on her contact.

erika menkes
Group of girls in the garden of the Heim. Erika Mankes: back row. Photo: Tamar Grizim

Erika visited the Neu-Isenburg elementary school from 1927 to 1936, followed by a high school for girls in Frankfurt am Main for one year. In 1936, she and her mother fled to France. Both lived there for some time in Paris with relatives. In 1938 Erika, who was 16 years old at that time, went to Palestine alone. Her mother escaped to South America and emigrated to Israel after the Second World War.

Erika Menkes, married Tal-Or, lived in Kiron east of Tel-Aviv. She died in Israel in the 1990s.:

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