City of Neu Isenburg


Perl, Reah

First NameReah
Family NamePerl
Date of Birth04/20/1905
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceBunde (District Leer)
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“Liste from 01/01/1937
Departure to-

Fled on 01/12/1939 via France to Bolivia

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Reah Perl is only listed in a single list, which gives information about the inhabitants of "Heim Isenburg." After that Reah Perl stayed in the Home of the Jewish Women’s Association in January 1937. The reason why she was there and how long she stayed, is not known.

Reah Perl came from Bunde in Ost Friesland. In the birth register of the synagogue community, her first name is not given by Reah, but by Röschen, the first name of her grandmother. Her parents were Siegfried Perl, a man in the dressmaker's workshop, born in Beuthen in 1873, and his wife, Sophie, née Ries, who was born in 1877.

The education path that Reah went through is unclear. In 1922, she filed for six months with her apprentice "Student" from Bunde to Halle an der Saale. Later she worked in various German cities, first as a "householder," 1925 as an infant nurse. In 1926 she retired to Amsterdam for almost nine years. After her return to Germany, she lived in Mainz and Bunde before she registered in Wuppertal-Elberfeld in August 1935. There she stayed until May 1936, then moved to Frankfurt am Main at Hermannstraße 4.

On February 9, 1937, Reah Perl married Julius Wetzlar. Shortly before her wedding, she stayed in the Neu-Isenburg Home of the Jewish Women’s Association. Perhaps she was working there as a nurse. The married couple Wetzlar moved into Reah's apartment in Hermannstraße 4. The last address in Frankfurt is Schwannenstraße 13.

On January 12, 1939, Reah and Julius Wetzlar went out of Frankfurt. They fled to France and Bolivia. Reah was last reported there in La Paz in the restaurant Corso. In July 1953, she applied for reintroduction to Germany.

The biography could be completed with the help of Mr. Theus Graalmann.:

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