First Name | Elly (Elli) |
Family Name | Teller |
Date of Birth | 04 June 1925 |
Birthplace/Place of Residence | Frankfurt/Main |
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“ | 02 August 1934 - 11 November 1938 |
Departure to | Frankfurt/Main, Röderbergweg |
Profession | - |
Deportation/Escape | Deported from Frankfurt am Main to ghetto Minsk on 11/12/1941 |
Date of Death/Place of Death | - |
Elly Teller was the sister of the girls Ilse and Irmgard Teller, who are also recorded in this Memorial Book.
Elly and Ilse Teller were accommodated in the Neu-Isenburger Home of the Jewish Women's Association from 1934 to 1938. When Elly came to Neu-Isenburg, she was nine years old. In the first surviving list of the home residents of September 1935 the then 17-year-old sister of the two girls, Irmgard Teller, was also listed.
The parents were Willi Teller, born in Hohensalza in 1895, and Martha Teller, née Metzger, who was born in 1894 in Gailingen (for reference see „Datenbank des Jüdischen Museums Frankfurt am Main“). Elly, Ilse, and Irmgard had two other sisters, Alice, born in 1931, and Sonja, born in 1933, and a brother Alfred, born in 1919. It is unclear whether the other children were housed temporarily in homes, and under what circumstances it came to the outplacement of Elly, Ilse, and Irmgard. The family lived in Frankfurt am Main in the Uhlandstraße 33 IV.
Elly and Ilse Teller were transferred from the partly destroyed Neu-Isenburger home to the Israelite orphan's institution headed by Isidor Marx in Frankfurt's Röderbergweg.
On 12 November 1941, Elly Teller was deported together with her mother and her siblings from Frankfurt am Main to the Minsk ghetto. Her father, Willi Teller, had committed suicide six months earlier, on 12 May 1941, in the Dachau concentration camp. Elly was 16 years old at the time of her deportation.
Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Jewish Museum Frankfurt/Main; Memorial Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews unter National Socialist Tyranny in Gemany 1933 - 1945 (Bundesarchiv - National Archives)