City of Neu Isenburg


Katz, Regina (Regine)

First NameRegina (Regine)
Family NameKatz
Date of Birth04/03/1928
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt/Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“unknown - 04/01/1931
Departure toparents


Date of Death/Place of Death-

Regina Katz is the sister of Miriam Katz, who is also listed in this memorial book. Their fate during the Nazi era is unknown. In a letter dated April 1, 1931, the Jewish Welfare Administration informed the municipal welfare office, that Miriam and Regina Katz were sent home. At the beginning of 1932, the sisters stayed in the children's home of the association "Weibliche Fürsorge" in Frankfurt, Hans-Thoma-Straße 24.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Institute for the History of Frankfurt; Dokumentation zu vom NS-Staat verfolgten Personen im Frankfurter Kinderhaus der Weiblichen Fürsorge e. V., Hans-Thoma-Straße 24:


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