City of Neu Isenburg


Kohn, Bela Rahel

First NameBela Rahel
Family NameKohn
Date of Birth04/02/1940
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt am Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“04/12/1940 - 08/13/1940
Departure toStuttgart

Bela Rahel Kohn was deported to Gurs, South France on 10/22/1940.

The nurse Germaine May saved her life and hidden her in the children's home in Limoges. Bela survived the war and was adopted from Germaine May. 

Today she is living in Limoges.

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Bela Rahel Kohn was born in Frankfurt/Main on 04/02/1940 and lived in the the Heim Isenburg from 04/12/1940 - 08/13/1940.

She was unsubscribed to Stuttgart. She was adopted from the family Haberer in Villingen.

Bela was deported together with her parents on 10/22/1940 to Gurs, South France.

The nurse Germaine May saved her life and hidden her in the children's home in Limoges. Bela survived the war and was adopted from Germaine May. 

Today she is living in Limoges.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; thanks to Friedrich Engelke the biography could be completed

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