City of Neu Isenburg


Marcuse (Markuse), Ellen Rahel

First NameEllen Rahel
Family NameMarcuse (Markuse)
Date of Birth05/29/1905
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceBerlin-Lichterfelde/ moved from Scheuern
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“05/30/1929 - March 24/25 1942
Departure toOffenbach am Main, last address: Darmstadt, Eschollbrücker Str. 4 ½ (Jewish retirement home)
ProfessionStudent/later listed as official

Deported from Darmstadt to Treblinka on September 30, 1942

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Ellen Marcuse came to the Home of the Jewish Women's Association at the end of May 1929 at the age of 24 as an intern. Her parents were Professor Adolf Marcuse and Elisabeth Marcuse, née Löwenberg, according to the registration card of the city of Neu-Isenburg. The mother had already died at the time Ellen was working in Neu-Isenburg; her father died during Ellen's stay at the Jewish Women's Home.

Adolf Marcuse was a major German astronomer. He was born in Magdeburg on November 17, 1860, studied in Strasbourg and Berlin. After several research stays in Europe, the USA, Hawaii and South America, he returned to Berlin shortly before the turn of the century. In 1907 he became full professor at the Friedrich Wilhelm University.

Adolf Marcuse was the old and honorary master of the Berlin Lodge Victoria and honorary member of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg. He died on October 18, 1930 in Berlin.

Ellen was one of the last women and children who left „Heim Isenburg“ in the spring of 1942 when the establishment was compulsorily closed. She was logged off to Offenbach. Their last address was the Jewish retirement home in Darmstadt, Eschollbrückerstraße 4 ½, which at that time was a collection point for many of the people from the Province of Starkenburg who were intended for deportation. Ellen Marcuse was deported from Darmstadt on September 30, 1942. The transport probably led directly to the extermination camp Treblinka.


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