City of Neu Isenburg


Pumpianski, Gerda

First NameGerda
Family NamePumpianski
Date of Birth22 October 1921
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceKönigsberg/Hamburg
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“21 April 1936 - 08 March 1937
Departure toHamburg Schröderstiftstraße 30 (Eimsbüttel, Rotherbaum)

Deported to the killing center Brandenburg in 1940

Date of Death/Place of Death09/23/1940, Killing center Brandenburg

Gerda Pumpianski came to the Home of the Jewish Women's Association in Neu-Isenburg at the age of 14. She stayed there for almost one year, until she was signed off to Hamburg in March 1937. She had apparently been under the supervision of the Hamburg Youth Welfare Office for some time. Nothing is known about Gerda's parents, the carpenter Meyer Pumpianski from Wilna and his wife Bussa, nee Plaschzen (Plachzun).

When she left Neu-Isenburg Gerda was housed in the institutions of the Hamburg Youth Welfare Office on 9 March 1937 and in the "Alsterdorfer Anstalten" on 17 March 1937. There the doctors certified a mental disability of middle degree. On 3 August 1939 the "Erbgesundheitsgericht" decided to have Gerda sterilized.

In 1940, as part of the so-called "T4-Aktion", all Jews living in psychiatric institutions were gathered in special centers. All institutions in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg were instructed to relocate the Jews living in their institutions to "Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hamburg-Langenhorn" until 18 September 1940.

Gerda Pumpianski arrived in Langenhorn on 18 September 1940. On 23 September 1940, she was taken in a group transport to the killing center Brandenburg/Havel. There, the patients were murdered in a gas chamber the same day.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Stolpersteininitiative Hamburg: (opens in a new tab) (Ingo Wille)

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