City of Neu Isenburg


Süß, Anna Sophie (Anny)

First NameAnna Sophie (Anny)
Family NameSüß
Date of Birth26 November 1906
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceGotha / Neukirchen (Schwalm-Eder-Kreis)
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“03 April 1939 - 30 June 1939
Departure toNeukirchen

Imprisoned 1939 in the penal prison (Investigation Detention Center) Mannheim, criminal prison Bruchsal, deported to the concentration camp Ravensbrück on 26 January 1940

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Anna Sophie Süss was probably the mother of Lore Tana Süss who is also listed in this Memorial Book. Anna came to Neu-Isenburg in early April 1939 when Lore was two weeks old and stayed until the 30th of June. In the same year, Anna Süss was sent to the Bruchsal Detention Center. Before that, she was probably under pretrial detention in Mannheim. On January 26, 1940, the young woman was finally taken to the Ravensbrück concentration camp where her trail was lost.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; Arolsen Archives; Memorial Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the Natioinal Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945 (Bundesarchiv - National Archives)

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