City of Neu Isenburg


Windesheim, Ilse

First NameIlse
Family NameWindesheim
Date of Birth03 June 1916
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceSchwerin/Würzburg, moved to Eberswalde on 03/22/1938, last address: Würzburg, Dürerstraße 20 (Jewish retirement home)
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“29 October 1936 - 18 November 1937
Departure toWürzburg


Date of Death/Place of Death-

Ilse Windesheim is the mother of Peter Windesheim, who is also listed in this memorial book. She found shelter in the home "Isenburg" after Peter's birth. There she cared for her son for one year. In November 1937, Ilse left Neu-Isenburg to take a job in a Jewish home for the elderly in Würzburg. She gave Peter up for adoption.

Ilse Windesheim succeeded to flee to Argentinia during the Second World War and moved on to Montevideo in Uruguay thereafter. She married Rudi Wohlgemuth. The couple later emigrated to Israel.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; information and documents, provided by Henri and Susan van Adelsberg

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