City of Neu Isenburg


Zellmann, Hella

First NameHella
Family NameZellmann
Date of Birth08 March 1927
Birthplace/Place of ResidenceFrankfurt/Main
Residence in „Heim Isenburg“Listed from September 1935 - 11 November 1938
Departure toFrankfurt/Main (presumably Israelite Orphanage, Röderbergweg 87)

Rescued in a "Kindertransport" to France in 1939, to Spain in 1944, to Palestine

Date of Death/Place of Death-

Hella Zellman was born in Frankfurt/Main on 8 March 1927. When she was four years old, her mother died, her father disappeared without a trace. Hella then lived in the "Home Isenburg", her brother Max in the Israelite orphanage in Röderbergweg in Frankfurt/Main. After the pogrom in November 1938, the then eleven-year-old Hella had to leave the "Home Isenburg" because National Socialist violent criminals had destroyed the main building of the institution where the students were accommodated. Hella moved to the Jewish orphanage where her brother lived.

In 1939, Hella and Max were taken along with other children in a "Kindertransport" to France and hidden by the child rescue organization "OEvre de secours aux enfants (OSE)" in the children's home Le Couret in Saint-Laurent-les Églises". In 1944, Hella and Max fled through the Pyrenees to Spain. From there they were rescued to Palestine with the help of the Youth Aliya.

Sources: Stadtarchiv Neu-Isenburg; information from Volker Mahnkopp, Frankfurt/Main

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Auf der Terrasse von Haus I, Schwarz-weiß Fotografie
Heim Isenburg

Under NS-Rule

Life in “Heim Isenburg” could be organized and regulated quite easily until the pogrom of November 1938, even if discrimination and harassments made the life of residents quite hard.
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